Digital Millennium Copyright Act

What is it? The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) outlines prohibitions regarding unauthorized use (including distribution) of literary/artistic works in digital form. While using internet services you are required to abide by the rules set up in the DMCA. You can read more about the law here. What happens when a violation occurs? Student Life IT staff often receive outside …


Step 1: Navigate to Settings Step 2: Go to Wi-Fi Settings Step 3: Select eduroam Make sure to match these settings! Step 4: Phase 2 authentication – Set to MSCHAPV2 Step 5: Identity – Enter your Step 6: Anonymous identity – Leave Blank Step 7: Password – Enter GatorLinkPassword Step 8: Click Connect  

Acceptable Use Policy for UF Residential Network

Overview The Department of Housing and Residence Education (“HRE”) provides internet access (“UF Residential Network”) for residents in the residence halls and graduate and family housing facilities. Access to the internet via the UF Residential Network is provided by wired Ethernet and wireless network connections. Support is provided by UF Division of Student Life Department of Information Technology (“SAIT”). The …