We are excited to announce that UF Student Affaris will be switching from the UF network over to the Eduroam network in the coming months. This should be a quick and easy process; simply follow these steps, and you’ll be on the new network in no time!

  1. Switch your network to UFGetOnline and in your web browser of choice, navigate to getonline.ufl.edu
  2. Once there, verify that the correct operating system is shown, and download the Secure W2 installer.
  3. Run the On-Boarding program and follow the instructions. Remember to use your full ‘gatorlink’@ufl.edu email address on the first step!
  4. That’s it! You should now be connected to the eduroam network!
  5. Note to Windows Users: You may have to disconnect from the UF wireless once this is complete.

So, now that you’re connected, you may have some questions about the eduroam network. Why are we switching? What are the benefits? Will I see any worse performance?

Well, luckily we have answers! Basically, as the name implies, it allows you to “roam” from one “edu”cational facility to another and connect to their networks without needing to get a guest account and password. You should be able to go to most domestic and international universities, find the eduroam network, and connect with your UF information. That’s it! Your UF email address (that’s why we need the full one now!) and password will authenticate you no matter where you go.

If you’re worried about performance, don’t! You will be experiencing the same high speed, world-class wireless as before! Think of it like this: the UF network and the eduroam network are two doors to the same room. One requires one key (just your gatorlink) while the other requires a different key (your full @ufl.edu email address). However, regardless of how you enter, you will be in the same room, at the same time.


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