The Office for Conduct and Community Standards (OCCS) handles ONLY DMCA and Level 3 AUP violations. Please do not call OCCS if you have questions about your Level 1 or Level 2 violation. Instead, contact If you are unsure of the level of your violation please visit

NOTE: Residents still have access to all UFL.EDU sites. If they should have a problem connecting to a site in order to perform their academic assignments, they can visit an on-campus computer lab.

Resolution Process

1. Contact the Office for Conduct and Community Standards at (352) 392 2161 Ex. 10141. You will be required to schedule a hearing concerning this violation. Please contact them as soon as possible.

2. Upon notification that a Level 3, or DMCA, violation has occurred DHNet@Home staff will begin attempting to contact you to help restore your services as quickly as possible. Visit the Residential Support help desk in Rietz Union – LL to have your computer(s) evaluated. You will have two business days to bring in your computer(s) for evaluation. Please do not delete or modify any content on your computer pertaining to the violation until a Residential Support team member has performed an evaluation. Please plan on bringing all computers (laptops and desktops) to the help desk. If you live in Graduate Family Housing you will also need to bring your wireless router.You do not need to have an appointment with OCCS in order to visit the help desk.

  • If you do not bring in your computer(s) within the designated two business days, Student Life IT staff will attempt to contact you to establish an appointment time within an additional two business days for you to bring in your computer(s).
  • If you do not comply at this time, all network access will be denied (this includes UFL.EDU sites)
  • If at this point Student Life IT staff is still unable to make contact with you, a hold will be placed on your record by OCCS as failure to comply until the matter is resolved.

3. If, at the end of the process detailed in step 2, Student Life IT staff have not been able to make contact with you, or obtain access to your equipment, the Student Life IT manager will contact the Office of Conduct and Community Standards and additional Conduct actions may be taken.

4. After a member of the Residential Support team as evaluated your computer, they will contact OCCS with the results from the evaluation. OCCS will use that information in determining the outcome of the case.

5. OCCS will make final ruling on length of restriction and then notify Student Life IT Staff of results on when to restore access. If you need to know the status of the case, please contact OCCS.

NOTE: Residents still have access to all UFL.EDU sites. If they should have a problem connecting to a site in order to perform their academic assignments, they can visit an on-campus computer lab.