In early 2018, Student Life IT completed the full implementation of our World Class Wireless service throughout all undergraduate residence halls. Due to this, we highly suggest that residents in our halls use the wireless network as their primary connection type. UF provides an internet on-boarding program that allows you to easily connect to the network! Here's how:

  1. First, connect to the ufgetonline network and go to
  2. Download and run Secure W2; when prompted, select wireless setup.
    1. Make sure that you use your full email address and install the policy key!
  3. After running Secure W2, you should find that you are now connected to the eduroam network. Congratulations, you are now connected and ready to use the internet!

While we would like every student to trust in our World Class Wireless, we understand that some people may bring computers that do not have wireless capabilities. These students will still be able to connect their computer into the network using an ethernet cable.

NOTE: Some rooms will have a box with 3 ports on one side of the room (this is the "AP") and a simple wall jack on the other. However, not all rooms are the same, and you may be missing one or both of these depending on your residence hall.

The setup for the wired connection is very similar to the wireless setup:

If you experience any issues while trying to connect to either the wireless or wired connections, please refer to our troubleshooting page.