1. From the settings menu select Wi-Fi on the left hand column and connect to “ufgetonline”.
  2. Once connected to “ufgetonline” the following window will pop up. Select “Get Online” *Note: if the window below does not appear, please open safari and navigate to getonline.ufl.edu*
  3. After you select “Get Online” you will be automatically taken to a Log In webpage. Verify that IOS is displayed and enter your email address and password. Email address must be in the form of Gatorlink@ufl.edu. *Note: If the IOS is not displayed, please select it from the dropdown before continuing*
  4. During the setup you will be prompted to install a network profile (seen below) please select “install” in the top right corner and then enter your device passcode when prompted.
  5. You will then be prompted to install the security certificates for the network. Again, select Install in the top right corner and follow the prompts.

Once the profile and certificates are installed you will be connected to Eduroam. You can go back to your Wi-Fi menu to verify.